Hingham High School Chorus
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Publicity  Empty Publicity

Post  shelbyosullivan Mon Sep 19, 2011 6:22 pm

Personally, I think the Hingham High Chorus does a very good job at making sure the public is aware of our upcoming fundraisers and concerts! We always have flyers, and really interesting posters for all of our upcoming events in the music department. Also, we usually get a pretty good turn out for the events as well! But I think that we could also improve. I really don't think that everyone in the program tells their friends and all of their family to come to the concerts and other occasions. Which we all should! We all work so hard through the year on every single piece we do, that a ton of people should be there to listen. So if everyone in our program tells their friends how much they enjoy chorus, and to come to our concerts, not only would that increase the amount of people attending the event, but it could increase the number of people who enroll in chorus! Especially the boys, tell your friends to join, we need them!


Posts : 13
Join date : 2011-09-19

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