Hingham High School Chorus
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Public Relations and Publicity

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Public Relations and Publicity Empty Public Relations and Publicity

Post  MeghanGeorge Sun Feb 12, 2012 9:34 pm

Seeing as our upcoming concert is the Talent Expo, I don’t think we need to worry about trying really hard for publicity. I know that when I was in middle school I loved coming to the Talent Expos and they always seem crowded. It’s awesome to be able to see your siblings and friends perform something that they put together on their own and to be able to watch the whole chorus perform songs that you know. Although we may not have to worry about publicity for the Talent Expo, we just need to think about publicity in general. I thought the Friday Show appearance definitely got people’s attention—maybe we should show that again near the end of the year? I think a lot of people just don’t know much or anything about HHS Chorus so we need to catch their attention in various ways. I know that I enjoyed it when men’s chorus sang at the StuCo assembly because I was surprised to see hockey, soccer, and football players singing in front of the school. I think before every concert it would be great to give everyone a little preview before the concert and make them want to come even more. The posters are a decent way of gaining publicity, especially if we put them around town, but I know that I don’t notice them so much when I’m rushing to and from class. We should definitely place them strategically—next to the hydration station, on office doors, on the front doors, on bathroom mirrors… I also think that the day of the Talent Expo we could decorate the lobby and the auditorium doors like they do with other school events. We could make eye-catching signs and hang them up in the lobby. And maybe at the end of the year we could make posters that show how diverse chorus is. Something like: I play hockey. I sing. I’m an artist. I sing… Why don’t you sing? You could also make a Friday Show video something like that (sort of like Mr. Young’s idea). I think we need to keep doing what we’re doing, but step it up a notch.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2011-09-20

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Public Relations and Publicity Empty publicize! its critical!

Post  Caitlin Sullivan Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:29 pm

Obviously the promotion of the choral program and concerts is crucial to our success. I feel that there are many ways to our show off our chorus. One way is the Friday show. Before every concert (2 weeks proceeding) we should make a piece. We should make a piece with either a sneak preview or just information in general of time/when etc of the concert. In addition, I feel that we do a great job of promoting the concert with the posters. As long as the posters convey a clear message about the concert I feel that they are a success. The week before the concert we should also do the trivia of the talent expo theme (broadway) between classes to promote the concert. The winner gets 2 free tickets to the performance. I feel that this worked in the past an d will again. Also, if we promoted our performances by the newspaper and facebook. We should continue to post reminders of our concerts by the internet. From the internet we may not only get Hingham residents but also people from other towns!

Caitlin Sullivan

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-21

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