Hingham High School Chorus
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Public Relations and Publicity

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Public Relations and Publicity Empty Public Relations and Publicity

Post  Andrea White Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:47 pm

Most days when I attempt to recruit boys for chorus, they look at me like I have two heads. This is clearly not the response one would be hoping for, and our goal as a chorus should be to make chorus seem more boy-friendly. We're welcoming enough; we just don't put ourselves out there that much. For instance, we should really show chorus ads on The Friday Show much more often than we do; none of the current freshmen have seen the "Save the Males" clip, and I honestly believe that one clip could recruit maybe 5-7 more boys. Using that formula, we need about 5 more clips, and we'll have 25 more boys! I also think that forming a "partnership" of sorts with several sports teams would greatly help us recruit and gain publicity. BY partnership, I mean that we, as a chorus, agree to attend/support a particular sports team's games, and they in turn will attend our concerts and wholeheartedly support the chorus/music program as a whole. This would help both the sports team and the chorus, and maybe with all of the team's players attending our concerts we could recruit some of them, because they'd hear how awesome we sound and want to join. I know that singing isn't considered the coolest thing that a guy could do in high school, but it definitely is a lot healthier than, say, football; you can't get a concussion in singing, and it doesn't affect your GPA...in fact, it actually might help to raise it. I'm not saying that we should bribe students to join or support chorus; I just think that we should be a bit more active in advertising what we offer as a group, and videos and partnerships might just be our ticket to better public relations.

Andrea White

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-21

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