Hingham High School Chorus
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Mentoring Program!

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Mentoring Program! Empty Mentoring Program!

Post  JuliaMurphy Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:37 pm

I think that pairing up a younger chorus student with and older one is a great idea, because mentoring is a good way to boost confidence with in the chorus. You always have someone in the chorus who might be to shy or embaressed to ask questions, which is why it is smart to have someone who will be kind and friendly enough that you can approch them with any problems you may have with music or audition pieces. For example this year the senior SEMSBA and districs audition pieces are the songs that treble choir are learning, and if one of the underclassman were auditioning for one or both of the two then their mentor might be able to help them learn the peices more succesfuly than on their own. Personaly, I think that we should have another day where we can meet our mentor and get to know them better because having a good relationship with your mentor could be like making a new friend who can relate to you and help you with your music. I am very expited for the rest of the year getting to know my mentor better.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2012-10-01
Age : 26
Location : Hingham

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