Hingham High School Chorus
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Mentoring Program

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Mentoring Program Empty Mentoring Program

Post  Maggie McFarland Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:10 pm

So far this year things in chorus seem to be just about perfect. One factor contributing to our success is the mentor program. Even though we have only had one official mentor/mentee get together I think that one meeting went really well, and things can only improve in the future. I had seen a lot of the freshman around the school but I never knew who was in the chorus and now that I know I’ll be sure to say hi to them in the halls and around school. It was really fun to get to know them a little and there was certainly a sense of family within the room. Besides seeing my mentee at the meet and greet on Friday I have also been exchanging notes with her in our folder slots which has been a great way to find more about her as well. I know how relieving it was for me freshman year knowing I had such a great mentor and this year I hope to be the same for my mentee!

Maggie McFarland

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-10-02

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