Hingham High School Chorus
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Voice Training

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Voice Training Empty Voice Training

Post  SophieStokerLong Fri May 18, 2012 8:44 am

For the past two years I have been taking voice lessions at South Shore Conservatory with Emily Browder Melville. Working with Emily on Wednesday evenings has the been the joy of my week and the individual attention has done things to my voice that I did not think I was capable of. No matter what mood I am in when I enter my singing lesson, I always leave it feeling lifted. Emily has helped me to expand my range and acess my chest register as well as showing me how to let go of tension in my neck chin and tounge and how to make the purest sound with my voice. I now know how to support myself with my whole body when I sing, have better breath management, and I also have a better understanding of what is actually going on inside my body when I sing. Even more important than that is how my voice lessons have taught me to be more confident in myself. I still get a little nervous to perform-I think everyone does-but, now I know that I can do it. I know that I am in control and that it is a gratifying experience. To anyone who is in chorus but does not take voice lessons, I highly recommend it.


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Join date : 2011-10-28

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