Hingham High School Chorus
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My voice teacher.

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My voice teacher. Empty My voice teacher.

Post  carolinepartyka Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:59 pm

I have the world's best vocal instructor. His name is Russell Rapoza. He's the music director and Resurrection Parish. I started seeing him when I was in about third grade. I'd see him once a week and every week we always did vocal warm-ups and get our voices warmed up by singing a song I've learned in the past. After that he would test me on the song he assigned me to learn from the previous week and when he felt I learned it he would give me a new song to study. He introduced me to songs from "The Sound of Music" or "Les Miserables" or just songs we'd sing at church. Although I technically stopped receiving lessons from hims a few years ago due to financial reasons, I've never stopped learning from him. I was invited with open arms to join the adult choir that sings the 9:30 am mass on Sunday and for a while I did, but I stopped because I was the only person under 18 there and it felt kind of awkward, but there is a teen choir and as soon as Russell returns from re-cooperating from an operation he had over the summer it will start. I've already have a spot in the choir and I'm excited to sing with him again. He's really sweet and fun, and he even offered to give me a free lesson if I needed it for and upcoming audition. If you need a voice teacher you should go to Russ, he picks fun music to learn and you'll have a good time. <3


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Join date : 2011-09-19

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