Hingham High School Chorus
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Post  katecris Tue Mar 20, 2012 7:55 pm

With the end of the school year approaching, I have been thinking a lot about how we have so few guys in our chorus. With an all girls chorus, I had completely forgotten about how good it sounds to have a huge chorus of boys, and I was reminded of this when I went to SEMSBA. At SEMSBA, I noticed all different types of guys, from "nerds" to "goths" to "jocks." However, once they were in the chorus, they lost these stereotypes and became people who just loved to sing, no matter how different they were from each other. Our conductor, who was from Cohasset (I think), told us that he has 75 guys in his chorus, and 65 girls! It got me thinking, how are our schools so different? Why is it that they have so many guys, when we have so few? I don't think that this issue has anything to do with us personally. For some reason, our school has the idea that people who are into music are "not cool." As us chorus members know, this is the opposite of the truth. In order for us to be able to get more guys in our chorus, it's up to us to change the definition of cool. There is no rule somewhere that the star jock cannot be into music as well, it's just a way of thinking that has developed. So, it's up to us girls to change that. This all starts by accepting everyone, even if they are different. If guys realize that they won't get made fun of by us girls if they do something other than sports, then hopefully they will begin to venture out of their shells (we all know that they are secretly singing in the shower:). No matter how cool the songs we sing are, or how much we ask those 7th and 8th grade boys to keep doing chorus, nothing will change unless we change our school's whole way of thinking. It may take years, but I want the future chorus' to be able to enjoy the same experience I had when I went to SEMSBA. No matter how many guys we have in chorus, there will never be too many. And for all the guys who do do chorus, thank you so much, and to me, you are the coolest guys in the school:).


Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-03

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