Hingham High School Chorus
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Why is making music important

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Why is making music important  Empty Why is making music important

Post  Abbie Barrett Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:58 pm

I really believe that making music makes a huge impact in people's lives. Many times music allows people to express themselves more clearly. I know that it is always difficult to express to people what you are thinking, feeling, or going through in words, and I think that music gives a type of safe-haven to people to be able to express themselves freely. Music can also bring people together. You might be able to find a common interest with some one that you wouldn't have imagined if it wasn't for music. There are so many different genres of music that everyone will be able to find the type of music that fits them perfectly. I have known so many people that use music as a comfort zone and a happy place to go to when they are upset. I don't think everyone necessarily has to be musical to enjoy and be affected my music. You never know who you are going to effect when making music. Music surrounds people in everyday life and one thing I have come to love so much about music and the sound of a melody or song can spark the joy of a good old memory and put you back into that place and time.

Abbie Barrett

Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-10-25

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