Hingham High School Chorus
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Accompanying Yourself

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Accompanying Yourself Empty Accompanying Yourself

Post  HallieNowicki Tue Jan 03, 2012 7:29 pm

The voice is an instrument just as much as a cello, flute, or any other instrument. To sing a song, you have to read music, practice, tune your voice by singing a scale just like a musician who plays an instrument. So, if you love to sing and it's truly a passion for you, then you should pick up piano or guitar. These two instruments I believe sound beautiful if you sing while playing them. A singer needsto read music, so it shouldnt be to hard for someone to read piano or guitar music. I already know how to play piano and it really helps me sight sing for voice, just how sight singing helps me read music for piano. I am even starting to pick up guitar so I can play it while I sing. I greatly recommend any singerto pick up an instrument because it is very helpful and a great way to express yourself musically.


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Join date : 2011-12-18

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