Hingham High School Chorus
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Caroling in the Lobby

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Caroling in the Lobby Empty Caroling in the Lobby

Post  aidenbrashier Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:38 pm

I think we should definitely make it a goal this year to organize caroling in the lobby. It would be a good way to show off our skills as a chorus and boost the general opinion of chorus. Also, preparing for it as a performance would be a good way to bring the two choruses together. Also, if we were to have all of our men participate in this caroling expedition, it might be a good way to start recruiting early. We could make it fun! We could decide on a “uniform” of sorts and throw small candy canes down from above as we sang. People would definitely be impressed, and as I said, it’d be a great opportunity for the mentors and mentees to bond, as long as both choruses participate. Think about it! It’d be an awesome way to start the vacation off right!


Posts : 18
Join date : 2011-10-18

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