Hingham High School Chorus
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Junior Districts Auditions 2011

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Junior Districts Auditions 2011 Empty Junior Districts Auditions 2011

Post  jennalee9896 Sun Dec 04, 2011 3:54 pm

Yesterday was the day of Junior Districts auditions for the March 2012 festival. The word "audition" I'm sure makes everybody cringe a little bit, because "audition" usually means singing by yourself. Singing by yourself in front of people is very difficult, and takes a lot of bravery and confidence. When I first started auditioning for Districts and SEMSBA, I was really nervous because it was you and one/two other judge(s). They were judging you on everything you did, and you had be your best. After auditioning for festivals for the past two years, I have learned from experience that auditioning really isn't as scary as it may seem. The judges are very nice and positive, which makes you feel more comfortable in that environment. The main thing about auditioning for Districts and SEMSBA is that you have to have confidence, and that goes for any audition you walk into. If you don't believe that you can do it, the judge won't believe it either. I believe that sight-singing in class every day really helps, especially for Jr/Sr Districts because part of the audition requires sight-singing. After practicing sight-singing on a much higher level, I felt fully prepared for the sight-singing portion of the Jr. Districts audition. This displays why it is important that we take advantage of the time in class we get for sight-singing and even warm-ups because you never know just how they can benefit you for improtant things in the future.


Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-22

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