Hingham High School Chorus
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Jr. Districts

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Jr. Districts Empty Jr. Districts

Post  amdurkin Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:14 pm

I had a really great experience this year at districts. Being with kids as young as seventh grade, I really got the chance to see how much I have improved as a musician. I was sitting next to a girl in seventh grade and I noticed her struggling with the music at some moments. I couldn’t help but to remember how that was me just two years ago. I have come so far in my sight reading abilities and my abililty to apply the comments a direct gives to a piece of music. It feels great for me to recognize this progress and acknowledge that I that there is so much to learn and many things to work on. But just the tranformation i was able to see has really helped me know that all the hard work i have put in is worth it in the progress that i have made. I ‘m excited to keep improving and becoming the best that I can be. Since rehearsal time this week was limited, when I went to the festival I had to sight read most of the music. Now, that was a true measure of the hard work have put in around sight singing. I found myself able to pick up the harmonies so easily. These festivals are such a great experience and judging by the great time I have had this weekend I wonder why more people don’t go to them. They are a great opportunity to get more chorus experience with a different style of conducting. If anyone who hasn’t gone to a festival is reading this I want to encourage you to try out for one because they have been a really great experience for me and I know that if you get as much out of them as I have then it will be worth your time.


Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-09-21

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