Hingham High School Chorus
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Senior Districts

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Senior Districts  Empty Senior Districts

Post  amdurkin Sat Jan 12, 2013 12:23 am

Today I had a really great experience at Districts. The director has done instilled meaning in each of our pieces. When we seemed to get distracted he kept asking us, “Why are we here?” and our answer would be, “To make music”. I think this was a good atmosphere that he is created because he kept reiterating the fact that we are at the festival not to sing, but to create music together. At our rehearsal for the festival yesterday, I was doubtful that I would ever be able to pick up any of the music. However, today I found that I was able to jump right in and sight read all of the pieces. I love the variety of the concert. We have spiritual, Cuban, gospel, Shakespeare, and Latin pieces. Each of the pieces is unique and fun to sing for different reasons. Occasionally, the director would remind us to remember what solfege notes we were on in order to stay in tune. I noticed that it helped everyone find their barrings in the piece and clearly sing each pitch in tune. Although all of these things are lovely, the most wonderful part was singing with boys again. They add so much depth to the pieces and I can’t remember how we have gone so long without them. I wish that the guys who go to our school could see the sheer number of boys that actually participate in chorus in other schools. I hope that we can remove the stigma in Hingham for boys singing in chorus so that the future members of the chorus program will have the pleasure of singing with guys all the time. I also wish that more girls from our school would come to the festivals because then they too would figure out what we really are missing and together we could all be driven to improving our chorus even more by adding boys.


Posts : 12
Join date : 2011-09-21

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