Hingham High School Chorus
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My Experiences with Districts and S.E.M.S.B.A

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My Experiences with Districts and S.E.M.S.B.A Empty My Experiences with Districts and S.E.M.S.B.A

Post  grace1697 Mon Nov 26, 2012 11:49 pm

First of all, I think that participating in a choral festival or competition is such a fantastic way to improve confidence and make new friends. Music is an important part of life. It raises our spirits, frees our worries and calms our nerves. Districts and S.E.M.S.B.A are great ways to find people who share this belief and also have a passion for music. Being surrounded by peers helps me to focus on getting better. Another beneficial aspect of these festivals is that they raise awareness of the joys of music in schools. It is extremely tragic that many schools feel they should cut music over sports or other extra-curricular activities if money is a problem. Bringing together so many wonderful people with a passion for music is an amazing thing. My experiences in Districts and S.E.M.S.B.A have been nothing short of that. Despite a nerve-wracking audition process, I made Districts in eighth grade and S.E.M.S.B.A in seventh and eighth. The environment is the rehearsal room is crazy, there are so many talented kids all singing together with beautiful pieces of music. I am so excited to audition for both competitions again this year and see all the middle schoolers, plus Mrs. Gonick. My experiences in these music festivals have been an overall positive thing that has strengthened my love for music.


Posts : 6
Join date : 2012-09-19

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