Hingham High School Chorus
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SEMSBA and Districts

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SEMSBA and Districts Empty SEMSBA and Districts

Post  Andrea White Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:48 pm

In middle school, I was never picked to participate in the choral competitions. Not because I couldn't sing on pitch or anything (at least, I don't think that was the case), but because I suffered from horrible stage fright. I don't know how my nerves matched up to normal cases of stage fright; my voice wouldn't vanish, my knees wouldn't shake, and I've never passed out. However, I DO tend to hyperventilate. I DO tend to over-think audition situations, getting inside my mind and causing a slight panic attack. But as of September of 2011, I decided to face my fears. Starting high school meant acting like a responsible adult, or at least one in training, and responsible adults do not have panic attacks (at least, not in public). I began to audition for solos in class, and finally, I summoned my courage to audition for Junior Districts and Junior SEMSBA. And to my surprise, I got in. I think that festivals like Districts and SEMSBA are pivotal to a musician's growth. I know that without those two auditions last year, I would not have had the confidence to try out for a solo this year. I would not have had the idea that, despite years of stage fright, I should audition to sing, alone and loudly, in front of an auditorium of my peers. Through those two festivals, I have made friendships that I would not have made otherwise. I have gained wisdom and gotten school advice that I would never have received. I have no older siblings. I have no friendly neighbors, and my baby-sisters were my grandparents. Though these festivals, and the chorus program in general, I have received excellent advice on school and life in general. And I will be grateful to the chorus program, and all the opportunities it has opened up to me, for the rest of my life.

PS: Sorry I'm only telling you about my nerves now. I'll be fine tomorrow night.

Andrea White

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-21

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