Hingham High School Chorus
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Districts & SEMSBA

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Districts & SEMSBA Empty Districts & SEMSBA

Post  AlisonGraham Wed Jun 05, 2013 9:55 am

I always get nervous about these kind of auditions. I've done it a lot but it still freaks me out. This year, I auditioned for Senior Districts and I got in. While at the festival, I learned a lot of new things. Although I was only there for one day because I ended up getting pnuemonia, it was still a great experience for me. But ever since I was sick, it's hard for me to sing because I almost had to relearn how to sing because I didn't use my voice for about two or three weeks. When I auditioned for Senior SEMSBA, I was extremly nervous because I was losing my voice again. It is now easier for me to lose my voice. Before, I never lost it. But now, I lose it everytime I yell at softball. I didn't make Senior SEMSBA but I will be auditioning again next year and I will try my best to make it. Auditions are fun but scary at the same time.


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Join date : 2011-10-12

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