Hingham High School Chorus
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Districts and Semsba

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Districts and Semsba Empty Districts and Semsba

Post  anniebeyerl Thu Oct 11, 2012 7:11 pm

Annie Beyerl Districts/Semsba

I have had the privilege to experience both Junior Districts and Semsba and I had an amazing time at both of them. In seventh grade I tried out for my first festival and made Districts and Semsba. The trying out process is nerve-racking and rewarding. I didn’t really know what to expect and was worried about not making the cut. Though I have also realized that if you practice hard and know the song you will do fine in the auditions. Singing with such a talented group of singers is very exciting. I also learned a lot about the proper techniques you use when singing. The whole experience opened my eyes to what music really meant to me and I have a stronger appreciation for it now. Going to Districts and Semsba is also a great opportunity to bond with others who share a love for singing. I have met some great people at districts and have looked forward to seeing them at every festival. Experiencing these festivals have been beneficial in terms of singing technique and experience and have also been a lot of fun. I hope I will have the opportunity to go to more festivals in my next four years at HHS.


Posts : 6
Join date : 2012-09-06

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