Hingham High School Chorus
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Districs and SEMSBA

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Districs and SEMSBA Empty Districs and SEMSBA

Post  katecris Tue Nov 22, 2011 10:53 pm

In 8th grade, I auditioned for both Districs and SEMSBA. Even though it was a little scary, I think that everyone should try out for these two festivals. It was useful to see how I handled my nerves during the audition, and auditioning allowed me to be more comfortable singing in front of people. In a chorus, individuals get very little attention, so it was nice to sing a piece and then have someone critique me on it. This really helped me to see what I need to improve on, and since then I have been working on them so that I am ready for this year's audition. The festivals are also a very good experience. Last year I made districts but not SEMSBA, but I know from other people that they are both worth going to. Districts was not the most fun thing I have ever done, it is a lot of hard work and effort put into a very short amount of time, but it was one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. The first time I heard the whole chorus sing together I was blown away, I had never sung with so many talented people before. Also, having so many guys really changes the whole sound of the chorus, which was amazing to hear. At districts I was surrounded by other people who loved to make music just as much as me, and it really showed during the concert.


Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-03

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