Hingham High School Chorus
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District and SEMSBA

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District and SEMSBA  Empty District and SEMSBA

Post  Grace Doyle Fri Jan 13, 2012 12:54 am

I have always loved to sing sense I was really little, only never in front of people. I decided to join chorus in 4th grade so I could finally get the chance to sing much more, without anyone hearing me. In middle school, I always was interested in Choral spectrum and auditioning for SEMSBA and districts. I never did because I was always so afraid. Then in 8th grade Mrs. Gonick told me to at least try it. I decided that I would because like I have felt before about not auditioning I would regret it. After I found out I got into SEMSBA I was so excited! I really proved to myself that its ok if people can hear me sing because I love music. That also gave me the insurance that, yeah I am good enough to be considered. Ever sense then I really try to get over my fears of singing in front of people and try remembering why I sing in the first place. Now I try to audition for more festivals. Festivals can also help make you grow as a singer. The chorus group is the best of the best and has very talented people in it. You get a different director's point of view and you get to learn more things you can do with singing.

Grace Doyle

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-24

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