Hingham High School Chorus
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Senior District Festival

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Senior District Festival Empty Senior District Festival

Post  katecris Sun Jan 13, 2013 7:51 pm

This weekend I had the awesome opportunity to participate in the Senior District Festival. Every time I go to a festival, I always anticipate the first time we sing together, because that moment always blows me away-every single time. It's more than just the fact that everyone is a good singer, but everyone is really enthusiastic and puts their all into every note. Also, having guys in the chorus takes the sound to a whole different level that sadly a treble choir just can't reach. As always with these festivals, it's so nice to meet new people who love to sing just as much as I do, and to learn what their chorus/musical training is like and how it is different from ours. However its not all fun, there were many points during that first day where I was tired, hungry and I would forget why I was there. I understand why some people may not like festivals, they are a lot of work and are very time consuming. But for me, once I stand up on that stage and perform, the pride I feel to be a little part in such a talented and amazing chorus makes it all worth it, and that's why I keep coming back.


Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-03

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