Hingham High School Chorus
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What is music?

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What is music? Empty What is music?

Post  KaylaORegan Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:47 pm

Music is simple. It’s a beat, a guitar, a sound, a noise, a place. Music is a collection of memories. One song can take you back to a great time in your life or a terrible moment. It connects us. All the songs you’ve loved someone else has loved. Music is a place to go when you’re scared or happy. It’s a community. It understands you when no one else can. When you find a song that states exactly how you feel you cling to it with everything you have. It can feel like your last shred of sanity. This one person singing to you through your headphones gets it. They know and understand and listen to you without judging you. So music is something that can force us to feel. It brings people together and takes us places. Music just is something. It’s a memory, a place, a noise, a sound, a chord, a beat. It’s simply complex but oh so beautiful.


Posts : 7
Join date : 2011-11-03

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