Hingham High School Chorus
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What is Music?

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What is Music? Empty What is Music?

Post  Sarah Pohl Wed Jun 12, 2013 6:15 pm

What is music? This is a question that I truly have never pondered in depth before. If I were to be asked this on a whim, I would automatically say, “It is the playing of notes either from an instrument or from the voice of a human.” However, as I exhaust the subject further, my understanding of music is interpreted many ways and varies, depending on the person asked. To me, music can be many things. To people who enjoy listening to music, but not making music, may say, “Music is what I listen to on a CD or my iPod.” They may not be interested in making music, but listening to it may calm them down, or allow them to concentrate better. To some musicians, this is not the only definition of music they have. They think of music as something created by voice, instrument, choir, or band. To others, music is the sounds and noises of their everyday life. To a person who works on a computer in the city, their definition of music may be the clicking of keys, the sound of moving traffic, and horns from angry drivers. All in all, I believe the definition of music truly depends on the person. To me, there are two definitions. I believe the beauty of music made by voices and instruments has a different feel than the music of everyday life. Music made by a choir or a band is something to work harder and harder at, therefore making it more and more beautiful as practice is put in. The music of everyday life defines the day in a life of whoever is describing it. The definition of music can be interpreted in numerous ways; it just truly depends on the person explaining it. I believe everyone should have the opportunity to dance to the music of life and experience the music of notes.

Sarah Pohl

Posts : 17
Join date : 2011-10-12

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