Hingham High School Chorus
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What is Music?

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What is Music? Empty What is Music?

Post  ShannonMcHugh Thu Jan 19, 2012 10:51 pm

Music is the basis of life. It is all around us and everyone creates it everyday. That tapping you hear in the back of the classroom? That's someone expressing themselves and creating a beat. Music is a way to express ones self through sound. Music is creating something with instruments or with your voice or even both. You can hum, sing, toot, any sound that comes out of your mouth can be music. Music is a way to let go of all of the emotions that run through us like electricity, it is a way to release all of the frustrations that we have in a healthy way. Instead of punching a hole in the wall take that anger and write a song, or play it out on the drums or anything. Music is a way that you can express any emotion wither it be happy, sad, angry, frustration, excitement. Any emotion you have can be expressed through music.


Posts : 13
Join date : 2011-09-20

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