Hingham High School Chorus
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Music outside of HHS

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Music outside of HHS Empty Music outside of HHS

Post  Chris.Nevins Fri Mar 30, 2012 12:01 am

I believe attending musical events outside of Hingham High School because it is a way to gather a broader understanding of music culture. Last weekend I attended a coffee house show on Commonwealth Ave in Boston and I heard a woman named Sara Fard perform a solo set of jazz music. I was one of the most relaxing sets of music that I have ever heard. Her voice was like a smoother Amy Winehouse and her guitar had that warmest tone that I had ever heard. After the concert, I found her music page on Facebook and found out that she had studied jazz guitar at the University of New Hampshire and was now moving through New England and paying multiple different shows along the way. Jazz was never quite a genre that I had focused too much on but after hearing Sarah, it is something that I would like to look into myself. I was very grateful to have the opportunity to open the show before her act and I hope that I have more chances to attend similar events in the future.


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Join date : 2011-10-26

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