Hingham High School Chorus
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Vocal Tension

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Vocal Tension Empty Vocal Tension

Post  Hallie N Thu Nov 03, 2011 9:03 pm

Personally, I find my vocal chords get tense and I don't even realize it at first! I start realizing that there tense when I find it harder to hit higher notes. Though, I found that there are many things people can do to release that tension. One way is to move your neck around and keep yourself "light on your feet" when your singing. By moving around while singing, the tension loosens up. I also found that shaping your vowels can help. By singing more pronounced vowels, it becomes easier to sing higher. The same thing with breathing. I put my hand around my ribs and make sure that I'm filling up with air before I start singing. I also practice slowly letting my air out at an reasonable pace, just like what we do in warm- ups. Breathing accurately can release tension too. Lastly, I find just relaxing my muscles really gets the tension out of my vocal chords. That is why I like how we loosen up our bodies before we start singing. It really helps everyone as individuals and lets the overall sound of the chorus be flowy and beautiful!

Hallie N

Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-10-24

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