Hingham High School Chorus
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Vocal Technique

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Vocal Technique Empty Vocal Technique

Post  Aoife Kingsbury Mon Oct 01, 2012 10:44 pm

Especially because it’s the beginning of a new school year, I think it’s vital for everybody in Chorus to focus on proper vocal technique now. If we get vowel shapes, breathing, and posture down pat in the first term, then we’ll be all set to make those “musical moments” we all strive for. Personally, I know that over the summer, I develop terrible singing techniques (e.g. belting in the car with full volume, pretending to be Adele, etc), so for me, the start of a new year of Chorus is always the most challenging. I have to do some inner reflection to figure out how to get back to the level I was at last year, and from there improve. Also, with the musical coming up, it’s easy to slip into bad habits and slouch and belt in rehearsal, which ruins my voice for both Legally Blonde and Chorus class. To have a great year of quality singing, everyone (especially me) needs to really focus on good technique, even though it’s tedious.

Aoife Kingsbury

Posts : 17
Join date : 2011-10-12

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