Hingham High School Chorus
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Vocal Technique

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Vocal Technique Empty Vocal Technique

Post  Sarah Pohl Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:42 pm

Vocal technique is an extremely important component to the recipe of singing. If someone has a great voice, that is not the only important component to their ability. If they do not have correct vocal technique, their voice will stay great, but not improve to excellence. It is vital for the chorus to practice correct vocal technique. In order to improve, we have to round our vowels by elongating our jaws, breath consistently while not lifting out shoulders, and we have to have sharp consonants while using dictation with our tongues. Posture is also an important aspect of vocal technique because it opens the diaphragm and allows for movement of air. In order for this to occur, we need to keep calm and practice all of these techniques until they are automatic. Along with this, we have to smile with our eyes. If we do not do this, it will not engage the audience during a performance. I personally know that this is difficult because when I do not have expression on my face, I often do not notice it. I personally need to work on it so that it becomes automatic while I am thinking about other aspects of the piece we are working on. “Since First I Saw Your Face” is an example of a song in our repertoire for the Fall Concert where breathing is extremely important. The reason for this is that it is very noticeable in this piece as the voice parts are very distinguishable and they need to be in sync because of the beautiful harmony. Overall, vocal technique is a prominent importance to the chorus’s sound as a whole.

Sarah Pohl

Posts : 17
Join date : 2011-10-12

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