Hingham High School Chorus
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Vocal Technique

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Vocal Technique Empty Vocal Technique

Post  Katie Kelleher Tue May 29, 2012 6:57 pm

After being part of a chorus since the third grade, I have discovered what I personally need to do in order to breathe correctly when singing. I have found that being relaxed is my biggest problem. With tension in my neck, jaw, and tongue the sound that comes out feels forced. When I relax, by either rolling my neck or massaging my tongue underneath the jaw I notice a difference in the sound. Not only is it easier to be louder, but it sounds more fluid. Also, I have a tendency to slightly lower my chest when I'm running out of breath. A goal of mine is to sing phrases without feeling the need to collapse. I can do this by taking a low breath and picturing my ribs rising while I'm singing.

Katie Kelleher

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-01

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