Hingham High School Chorus
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Vocal Technique

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Vocal Technique Empty Vocal Technique

Post  Sarah Pohl Mon May 07, 2012 10:21 pm

Vocal technique is, I feel, the most important part of singing a piece of music. Last year, I felt that I was much more lenient in my breathing and posture techniques. However, this year I have gotten much more strict with myself because if I find myself slouching or slacking, I notice it almost right away and fix it. The way I fix this problem is by raising my eyebrows, being attentive to the vocal symbols on the page, and keeping my back up right. These three things are extremely important. I also feel that putting expression into my singing helps with my posture and breathing because it allows me to feel the mood of the music. Posture is important because with out correct posture, it is virtually impossible to sing to you’re highest potential since the air will not be able to travel in a straight path to produce sound. The tongue, jaw, and lips play a huge role in achieving the correct singing technique. The reason they play such a huge role is because they allow correct vowels to be produced. Correct vowels are extremely important to music because without round vowels and sharp consonants, music usually does not end up sounding professional. As I stated before, I raise my eyebrows and use expression in my face in order to sing with enthusiasm, but at the same time, I am able to stay relaxed. I know I am breathing correctly when I am singing to my fullest potential. Breathing techniques are extremely important because without them, the final product will never turn out as well as it could have.

Sarah Pohl

Posts : 17
Join date : 2011-10-12

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