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TV Talent Shows

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TV Talent Shows  Empty TV Talent Shows

Post  Grace Doyle Wed Nov 02, 2011 10:56 pm

TV talent shows are shown to showcase the talented singers in the world that have not yet been discovered. Talent shows can sometimes not be true to the true meaning of a proper singer. Yes, there are some very talented people on these talent shows, but there can be a few contenders that aren’t “well trained singers”. For the few, well developed and proper singers on the TV talent shows it is a great opportunity to show the world what they can do. For instance the X Factor has very talented singers with classical voices that are able to do any song seamlessly. Also on the X Factor there are a few singers that aren’t as good and try to become a singer by their star potential and not on their actual music ability. TV talent shows help showcase why we should ha singers have talent before star quality.

Grace Doyle

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-24

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TV Talent Shows  Empty TV Talent Shows

Post  jennalee9896 Tue Mar 27, 2012 10:24 pm

I agree that TV talent shows, such as American Idol and the X Factor, showcase some of the best undeiscovered talent in the United States, but also display some talent that is not up to par with some other artists featured on these shows. For example, American Idol, the long-running singing competition on FOX, is known for producing some of the biggest names in music history, some of them being Carrie Underwood and Kelly Clarkson. However, I feel that shows like American Idol can be more of a popularity contest than a legit singing competition. In addition to the phenomenal talents that have graced the stage of American Idol, there have also been the memorable performers who seemed to be lacking in talent, but their popularity amongst viewers has brought them farther than they deserve to in the competition. Some of these people include William Hung, Nick Mitchell (aka Norman Gentle) and Sanjaya Malakar. The major flaw with TV talent shows these days is that they are turning into more of a popularity ocntest than a real singing contest. I think that the shows' viewers need to start thinking about who really deserves to be there and win the grand prize rather than voting for somebody who is there to get a few laughs.


Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-22

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