Hingham High School Chorus
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TV Talent Shows

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TV Talent Shows  Empty TV Talent Shows

Post  Grace Doyle Tue Nov 13, 2012 6:33 pm

In today’s entertainment you can turn on your tv and almost always find some sort of talent show like The Voice and X Factor. Because these shows are fully for entertainment purposes I find that not all the contestants are up to par in quality singing. However to be a performer you not only have to have a voice but an amazing stage presense. Most contestants on these shows can sing but do not use the proper technique. Alot of the singers belt and do pop runs and “tricks” with their voices but never sing properley with their diaphram and an open mouth and throat with deep vowels. The way some of the contestants sing now is ok for a little while but later on the damage they have created for their voice will be done and will overall effect the long term health of their voice. Not to say that the contestants on some of these shows don’t have talent but I feel their voice is overlooked sometimes and viewers and judges are destracted by the performance they give and what their stage presence is like. As a singer myself I believe I have been taught by my teachers the proper way to sing, which is better for my voice in the long run. But I do appreciate the performance some of the contestants give but after all talent shows like the voice, should strictly focus on a contestant’s voice.

Grace Doyle

Posts : 16
Join date : 2011-10-24

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