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Tv Talent Shows

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Post  Becky Fillmore Tue Dec 13, 2011 10:58 am

Singing is great fun when you work on songs for concerts or just singing for fun. On American Idol when the people try out for the auditions I am sure their nerves build up inside them but when it gets to the point of singing I am sure they know that they are either going to be good or bad. I like how contestants voices can go high and low like James Durbin’s and Adam Lambert’s voice. I look forward to this years season of American Idol because I like to hear the different voices of different people. When the people who did try out and were not good enough that doesn’t mean to give up on your dream. To the people who do make it to Hollywood but doesn’t go very far in the competition don’t be discouraged with yourself and don’t give up because there will be more opportunities in life.

Becky Fillmore

Posts : 6
Join date : 2011-09-15

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