Hingham High School Chorus
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Talent Shows

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Talent Shows Empty Talent Shows

Post  Clay Harbert Wed Feb 29, 2012 6:07 pm

Talent shows are a great way to be discovered whether you're a young, old, or middle aged singer. the world is always looking for a new sound and some people have that sound. Hit shows such as American Idol, The Voice, and America's Got Talent are a great way to get your voice out there. Stars such as Kelly Clarkeson, Carrie Underwood, and Susan Boyle are great examples of very different people with different voices making it to the top. and not only do they show that someone can sing great but the shows also show a normal person or someone maybe going through the same thing you are, being able to excel in singing and pleasing people around the world. And so this is why Talent shows are such a good thing. Peace

Clay Harbert

Posts : 5
Join date : 2011-12-10

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