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TV Talent Shows

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TV Talent Shows Empty TV Talent Shows

Post  HallieNowicki Mon Mar 19, 2012 8:29 pm

i love watching many tv talent shows including american idol and the x factor. It gives regular, everyday people a chance to become someone they never thought they could be. Some of these are poor and never had a voice lesson in there life, but figure it is worth a try. Others plan for this their whole lives and make sure they are as ready as they can be when they go in. Either way, only the best make it. However, on these kind of shows, i dont believe its all about technique and the actual voice. it is somewhat based on star quality, even though some deny. Only certain types of singers can win those kinds of shows, not like opera or broadway singers. the winners need to have a voice of pop or country that will intreset their audience. They also need to have the look. Personally, I believe one direction had all these qualities on x factor and that is why they won, even though there were otheres with voices way beyond their level. Overall, Tv talent shows are alot of fun to watch, but not necessarily a show of learning from what you watch.


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Join date : 2011-12-18

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