Hingham High School Chorus
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The Chorus Room

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The Chorus Room Empty The Chorus Room

Post  kenziehunt Fri Jun 14, 2013 9:26 am

As it is for me, and I am sure for many other people as well, the chorus room is a place I can walk in and feel at home every day.  When I walk in, I really like seeing the postres that we have had from the years past because even though I have not been here for more than one year, it makes me feel more connected to what other chorus people have done in the past.  As the posters continue to be put up there, I will feel more and more accomlished with each passing year.  I also really like the murals on the wall because they are really cool to see in rehursdal everyday.  During rehursal, I think that we should continue to leave the lights off because the hum is extremely distracting during class, and it affects the ability for us to listen to ourselves and correct what we are doing wrong.  Something that we could do that would make the room feel more at home is maybe we could all make a poster or something about what we love the most about singing and chorus.  If we did this, and then hung them up around the room, I feel like it would create a better atmospere of "home".


Posts : 7
Join date : 2012-09-20

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The Chorus Room Empty Re: The Chorus Room

Post  Rissy.I.Hennessey Sun Jun 16, 2013 10:53 pm

The chorus room for the past two years has been a place where I can walk in and be myself and no one will judge me for being who I am. It will definitely be a change in atmosphere next year not only because of a new year and incoming freshmen but because we will no longer have Mr. Young as our director. As was said in the chorus council speeches by almost every one of the candidates, it will be our job as a chorus to make the transition for the incoming freshmen especially the guys as well as the new director s easy and smooth as possible. I know and remember the feeling of being the newbie at the high school so I can relate with the new freshmen but I can only imagine what it would be like for the new director. I feel that even though there will be changes coming to room 197 in the coming school year, we will do our best to make it a family and home to both the new director and the incoming freshmen.


Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-10-04

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