Hingham High School Chorus
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Days of Lessons

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Post  hollyhancock15 Tue Jun 11, 2013 9:40 pm

I actually love what we are doing in class right now, listening to Motzart's Requiem. Reflecting on everything we have discussed in class I realized that our generation is suffering when it comes to musical taste. If you were to ask teenagers what their favorite music is, they would most likely say rap, pop, country, or alternative. Very few have had the opportunity to listen to, and appreciate true classical pieces. Admittedly, I am slightly concerned about tomorrow's class and sitting through the entire requiem. My generation has grown accustomed to brief songs that are nothing more that an introduction, a repeated chorus, a bridge, and a big finale. Now, having been exposed to every component of Motzart's requiem and learning about its background, I have a much deeper appreciation for this genre of music. I even found myself humming the "Kriste Eleison" section of the work today. Overall I have really enjoyed taking the time to appreciate and understand this piece and I can not wait to hear it in its entirety!


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Join date : 2011-11-02

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