Hingham High School Chorus
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Day of Lessons

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Day of Lessons Empty Day of Lessons

Post  hollyhancock15 Mon Jan 14, 2013 8:00 pm

I feel like this new method of teaching is popular with all of the chorus members. In english today, my teacher proposed the idea that we go to school in order to learn the skills of memorization and obedience. A few weeks ago, I would have agreed with this statement. Chorus has become the one class where I can voice my opinion and feel as though I am making valuable contributions to our conversations. It has transformed my view of school. Now we have the opportunity to see what it is like being a teacher and assuming responsibility. Even though it has taken some time to get the hang of the new routine, I feel like we are all adjusting very well. In cases where a group leader is absent. Students have been stepping up and taking charge- leading the group through a successful rehearsal. When it comes time to review the songs, we can rely on each other to catch any pitch or rhythm mistakes. I don't have a very good ear so its nice having other students to help me work out the notes I do not know. I can't wait to see how each of the pieces turn out!


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Join date : 2011-11-02

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