Hingham High School Chorus
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Day of Lessons

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Day of Lessons Empty Day of Lessons

Post  abbiruggiero Tue Jan 15, 2013 7:05 pm

Today we are just about two weeks into preparing for Talent Expo VIII. Our new work ethic of learning a piece of music in a small group, rather than with a conductor, so far seems successful. Though at the beginning the process was awkward and challenging, now rehearsal is comfortable with no challenge that cannot be overcome. Personally, our new rehearsal method has been difficult, but also reassuring. I find it challenging to make sure everyone is one the same page and understands what we have learned so far. Sometimes in chorus I find myself wondering if I am able to sing and understand my part on my own, without hearing stronger voices. After splitting up into smaller groups to practice alone, I discovered that I understand more about how to read music than I formerly thought. I am confident that if every student puts effort into our new method of learning, long-lasting developments will result individually and for the chorus as a whole. Away from music, we are currently reengaging rhythm exercises back into our routine. I understand that we needed to take a break from them when preparing for Major Works, but now I find it difficult to complete the more challenging rhythm exercises. As we ease back into the swing of things, I am already noticing a difference in our ability to read complex rhythms. Though sometimes the rhythm exercises are challenging and may seem pointless, I know that they will significantly help in the long run to understand music to the best of my abilities. I think we are about to end term two with very successful days of lessons.


Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-10-03

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