Hingham High School Chorus
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Day of Lessons

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Day of Lessons Empty Day of Lessons

Post  Rissy.I.Hennessey Thu Jan 03, 2013 11:42 pm

Just this week starting up on the Disney songs for Talent Expo has opened my eyes and ears to a whole new perspective of learning the repitoire. I'm sure everyone can rleate that it is still in that small akward stage but i have to say it is an impressive way to have us learn. By not having Mr. Young as the one throwing us every little tiny piece of information about what it is thatr we are doing worng or what sounds right and good enough to move on, it forces us to think more and question ourselves more. It makes us go beyond what we normally would do and think "did I get this right" "this didn't sound right" "a few more times on this and we will be good". Another thing is you start to appreciate just how much Mr. Young actually does to help us when we don't understand something. Now instead of asking him we ask each other and then we work together to isolate and resolve the problem. The team leaders are doing a great job and I really respect the fact that Mr. Young decided to have us learn the music this way. Of course that being said it is still a bit difficult but over all we all will get a better learning experience and expand upon our knowledge in music.


Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-10-04

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