Hingham High School Chorus
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Post  hollyhancock15 Thu Mar 14, 2013 7:13 pm

I feel as though without Mr. Young today, we were honestly a little lost. Although we had been trained in teaching ourself and working effectively, Mr. Young is there to give us that extra motivational push. However, we have made great progress on our songs. We were able to perfect the time change in Zip A Dee Do Da and worked out 90% of our problems with A Whole New World. I prefer working as a small group in the mini-lab because everyones voices are magnified. Along with being able to hear everyone better, we can also pick up on minor mistakes that we might not hear as a group. It is important that we break off and analyze ourselves on an individual basis- keeping in mind that in order to function as a group, we must first learn to function on our own. I am not nervous about our performance this coming Tuesday and I feel as though we will be very well prepared!


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Join date : 2011-11-02

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