Hingham High School Chorus
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What is music?

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What is music? Empty What is music?

Post  Andrea White Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:15 pm

I think that music is a variation of things, but namely it is a sound that makes a single person happier than anything that they've ever heard before. I think music can be the sound of a person's voice, the pitter-patter of rain against a roof, or the swell of sound from a 60-piece orchestra. To some people, music is a person's voice, hoarse from shouting, yelling profanity and opinions in their ear. To others, music is a combination of notes plucked out on a guitar or blown through a trombone. Not everyone agrees on what truly makes music what it is, but the entire globe is connected by a common thread of sound. Regardless of nationality or preference, everyone can enjoy a strong rhythm or catchy pulse; these two components are key to any piece that calls itself music. In my personal opinion, I consider the swish of a silk dress just as melodious as any classical concerto, and I love to listen to the nuances of someone's speaking voice just as much as their singing one. Everyone has a different idea of music, and the wonderful thing is that all genres of music "get along". Rap music contains introductions by stringed instruments; instrumental music borrows beats and rhythms from tribal folk songs; guitar pieces harmonize nicely with melodies originally created for pianists. We, as the citizens of planet earth, are connected through the common bond of music, and so above all else- music is the constant beating of the world's heart, and hopefully it never stops pulsing.

Andrea White

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-21

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