Hingham High School Chorus
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spring concert 2013

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spring concert 2013 Empty spring concert 2013

Post  rachel dentremont Thu May 30, 2013 9:42 am

I loved the spring concert this year. The music was so uplifting and encouraging, almost like an inspiration to keep going strong for the rest of the year. Freedom is Coming was a great way to start off the concert espescially because we were all doing it together. It was special because we were all together as one unit, which is essential for achieving freedom, people must work together as one in order to go against someone with more power than them. There are power in numbers and our way of portraying Freedom is Coming was symbolic of how the Africans would have marched to their freedom. Then our chorus sang By n' By. This song was more rhythmically challenging and was the more difficult piece to perform. I liked the challenge and how we ended up performing it. We did a good job of staying focused and I think we performed the dynamics well, we weren't too loud, but we emphasized correct syllables and backed off at the right places too. La Violette was the best! The piano and drums and triangle really added extra dementions to the piece and I loved performing it. Actually, now that I think about it, Song for the Mira was probably the best. I loved the sybolism for the seniors. It really captured the emotion for the entire concert. There was so much emtion in that concert. It was the seniors last concert and Mr. Young's last concert, so many people had different emotions about everything but we really did a good job of staying focused on the music adn performing it to the best of our ability.

rachel dentremont

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-10-16

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