Hingham High School Chorus
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Spring Concert 2013

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Spring Concert 2013 Empty Spring Concert 2013

Post  Maggie McFarland Tue Apr 02, 2013 12:35 pm

I am very excited now that we have started preparing for our spring concert. I can tell it's going to be a good one. For me, the Spring Concert is my favorite, and I think this year is going to be extra special because it's our last concert with you as our director. I was really shocked at how excited I was to begin solfege and count singing and really digging deep into classical music, and I think this is a tribute to all the exposure you have given us over the years. I really do find myself dying to practice and learn these challenging pieces, and even though Disney was great, I know it won't be nearly as rewarding as the Spring Concert will be. The music we perform at this time of year really illustrates what type of program we have established here. All the time you hear people at the Middle School talking about how hard and serious chorus is at the High School, and I think that's what makes our program so great! I am really fortunate that we have this last opportunity to challenge ourselves with beautiful music, and I hope that next year our new director appreciates it as much as you.

Maggie McFarland

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-10-02

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