Hingham High School Chorus
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Spring Concert 2013

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Spring Concert 2013 Empty Spring Concert 2013

Post  Sarah Pohl Wed May 22, 2013 9:33 pm

It is hard to grasp that the spring concert has already come to an end. Learning, preparing, making mistakes, and fixing our music is over. The spring concert is definitely one of my favorites, as it marks the end of the choral year and the beginning of winding down for summer. It highlights the students who exemplified high achievements and allow the rest of the chorus to congratulate them. This concert contained pieces that had such different tempos and feels. The outcome of Freedom is Coming played out much better than I had expected. I was confused as to how the chorus was going to stay together and come in at the right times together. However, the chorus amazed me yet again. We stuck together, made suggestions as to what could be done differently while walking down the isles, and achieved greatness. Furthermore, I thought the La Violetta was another great piece that was sung. The tempo was up beat, exciting, and we really put emotion into it. Finally, Song For the Mira sounded great with the great accent the soloists added to it. I thought they each did a fantastic job. With the seniors at the end, it also added emotion to the piece that made it personal for the audience as well. Now that the concert is over with, it marks the winding down of the year, as we have no more repertoire to practice. We started the video on Walt Disney, and it is extremely interesting. I am really enjoying it, especially because I really did not know anything about his life until now. It is great to learn how this man created a child's utopia and formed many children's childhoods, including mine. It is sad to see the year end and Mr. Young leave, but he will be going on to learn more in depth information that he is truly passionate about.

Sarah Pohl

Posts : 17
Join date : 2011-10-12

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