Hingham High School Chorus
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Spring Concert 2013

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Spring Concert 2013 Empty Spring Concert 2013

Post  aidenbrashier Tue Apr 02, 2013 9:34 pm

I always find myself when the Spring Concert rolls around, because the repertoire we have gets stuck in my head more easily than that of Talent Expo! I feel that the music we sing for the Spring Concert is more accessible than Major Works, more beautiful and advanced than Fall, and more meaningful than Talent Expo. While I enjoy the other concerts, Spring is just my favorite. Something about the weather getting warmer and more beautiful makes singing more fun and enchanting to me. Also, knowing that we’re in our last concert of the year makes me want to nail it the best we can before we go off into our summer, where many of us will only sing in the shower for the next 2 and a half months. A special significance is added to this Spring concert since it is our last with Mr. Young. I think we owe it to him to do the best performance possible since he has taught us so much as long as we have had him.


Posts : 18
Join date : 2011-10-18

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Spring Concert 2013 Empty Spring Concert

Post  Eliza Daniels Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:12 pm

I agree with Aiden's post. The spring concert repotiore is usually very fulfilling and easy to get stuck in your head. This year, I was extatic to discover we would be perfroming "Weep No More". Over the years I have performed in close to ten festivals between districts and semsba. At each of these individual festivals, I have learned about four or five pieces of music. Typically, I can recognize songs that I've sang, but I do not always remember the pieces. Weep No More is a piece I will never forget. The emotion that has been written into the song already before the singer begins to sing the piece is ridiculously imrpessive and moving. There is undoubtedly a huge amount of emotion and meaning to be put into the song, but it is yet to be discovered. I anticipate the moment we finish learning the notes and rythyms because once the lyrics are added with the beautiful lines of music, I truly believe everyone will soon understand just how truly beautiful and unforgetable this piece of music is. I cannot wait to perform this piece again, and look forward to the rehearsal process in achieving its true worth.

Eliza Daniels

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-10-04

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