Hingham High School Chorus
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The Spring Concert

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The Spring Concert Empty The Spring Concert

Post  Sabrina Clarke Tue May 15, 2012 10:42 pm

I am very excited for this years Spring Concert. I have never really thought about the importance of the Spring Concert until this year. It is the final concert of the year and the final concert with the current seniors. Even though some people are in concert chorale and do not have class with the seniors, it is still weird not having them be there. I know that when I was a freshman, I truly looked up to the seniors. I would strive to be them in Choral Spectrum and Women's Chorus, etc. They were what my future was in chorus. But this year, I can say that the majority of the seniors are my best friends and it will be sad to see them go. But at the same time, what better way to end their four years than this Spring Concert. The repertoire is just so compelling and beautiful that is makes a great way to end the year. I truly love each and every piece in this concert. ESPECIALLY, all of the choral spectrum repertoire because they are just three of my favorite pieces that we have sung all year. I am very excited for this concert.

Sabrina Clarke

Posts : 14
Join date : 2011-09-20

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The Spring Concert Empty spring concert!!

Post  Caitlin Sullivan Tue May 15, 2012 11:17 pm

Similar to Sabrina, I am too very excited about the spring concert this thursday night. The spring concert is always a special one. It is the end of year and it is finally getting nice out! The seniors are almost ready to graduate but have their last commitment to chorus. Although it is sad that the seniors are leaving, the spring concert symbolizes the end to (hopefully) another great year in the chorus program.
I also love the spring concert because of the awards ceremony. It is very special to recognize individuals in the program that have truly done something special. Chorus is typically about unifying and bettering the chorus as a whole but sometimes it is nice to honor people as well.
Not only am I excited, but I am also quit confident about thursday. I feel that mixed chorus, as a whole, has a solid grasp of our repertoire. Lately in class we have been putting our finishing touches on the music. Everyone sings with expression and a focused mindset! I think that we sound great! I can't wait to hear the other ensembles as well!!

Caitlin Sullivan

Posts : 15
Join date : 2011-09-21

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