Hingham High School Chorus
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TV Talent Shows

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Post  Izzy Gilmartin Thu May 23, 2013 9:39 am

As some of you may know, American Idol auditions are coming to Boston this summer. I bet a few members of our chorus might even consider auditioning. To be completely honest, I was thinking of auditioining myself. These TV talent shows, like AI, The X Factor, and The Voice, are interesting to watch and it is a dream of many young musicians to be on the show. But when you really think about it, these shows are in the bussiness of finding talented young singers and taking their musicianship away. The producers pick most of the songs they sing and the contestants are praised for their outfits, stage presence, and if they can hit high notes. Many of these singers never truly learn how to sing, like we do in this chorus class. They can't read music, find a pitch, or - for some of them - even carry a tune without a consultation with their vocal coaches first. I know that these merits are not relied upon in the popular music market, so I do not judge or look down upon the contestants, but I do think that these are things that every singer should have at least a working knowledge of. I have found myself critiquing the contestants much differently than the judges on the show. I focus on vowel depth and clarity of tone, while the judges focus on their hair and that one high note they hit. Being able to hit high notes and do vocal runs and prance around a stage is not being a musician. This is why I decided not to audition this summer. I would much rather keep my dignity as a singer than have a quick chance at fame.

Izzy Gilmartin

Posts : 6
Join date : 2011-09-21

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