Hingham High School Chorus
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Singing assessments. oh singing assessments.

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Singing assessments. oh singing assessments.  Empty Singing assessments. oh singing assessments.

Post  Riley.Sweeney Tue May 14, 2013 4:50 pm

Singing assessments, what do I think about singing assessments? Well, I would like to say that there is absolutely no reason to have them, but that would be bias. I understand that singing assessments are crucial to improving in many aspects of the chorus program. For one they help with knowing where you are at with independency. If you are just following the leaders that are around you, how will you ever become one? They help Mr. Young know if we are learning, and if our inner ear is forming. Most importantly I think that singing assessments help create personal confidence. I have never been comfortable singing in front of anyone, other than my mom in the car or friends. Performing for people is much harder than messing around with friends though. Feeling on the spot no matter how much practice ones had never feels good until you got over whatever it was, in this case singing assessments. Once the assessment is over I feel a wave relief wash over me, even if I did poorly I still feel so much better. If I could not take singing assessments I would not take them, but I know I should and I would feel kind of, lack for a better word, bummed that I would not know if I was improving or not.


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Join date : 2011-12-01

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