Hingham High School Chorus
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Singing Assessments

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Singing Assessments Empty Singing Assessments

Post  Caitlin Boyle Tue Jan 17, 2012 9:43 pm

Today in class we had our last singing assessment of the term. I am very disappointed with the way I did and wish that I could somehow go back and better prepare myself. When we talked about it in class, I 100% agree that singing with another person does take a great deal of the pressure off. When I sing with even one other person, I feel as if people aren't just concentrating on me which takes away a lot of the pressure. Even as an active member of drama club, I get extremely nervous when I know that I'm the only one being concentrated on. I assume that it's easier to pick out flaws that way and over think it. But for singing assessments, I think it is very important to tell yourself not to worry because there's 20+ other people in the same room going through the same thing you are. But even more importantly, it's important to be prepared. I always try to take at least five minutes at home to prepare myself for singing assessments. Unfortunately I failed to do that for the singing assessment we had today and it showed when I did my assessment. But luckily I have learned from today that I have to better prepare myself going into these assessments as well as take the pressure off myself and solely concentrate on the music in front of me. I must impress myself before I can impress others!

Caitlin Boyle

Posts : 10
Join date : 2011-10-10

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